Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

As your dog ages, they can be more prone to developing medical conditions as their body is not as quick at responding to disease and slower at recovering. This is why it is important to take extra precautions to help prevent disease and seek veterinary care quickly if your senior dog falls ill. A dog that is considered a senior can still be healthy or may begin to experience signs of aging.

When is a dog considered a senior pet?

The age at which a dog is considered a senior varies slightly depending on the breed. For smaller breeds aged 9-10, they are considered seniors, whereas ages 4-5 can be considered senior for large breed dogs.

How should I care for my senior dog? (example: schedule regular check-ups, exercise, special diet, etc.)

Your senior dog should have an examination by your veterinarian at least yearly, sometimes more often, if there is already an underlying condition. Regular exercise is important for senior pets to help keep them at a healthy weight, but less strenuous/low impact exercise is often recommended to help protect their joints, as well as letting them rest when needed. There are diets available for senior pets, which can include supplements for joint health and reduced calories for often more sedentary lifestyles.

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